Community Service Federal Work-Study Jobs
Saint Louis University Community Service Federal Work-Study Program allows students to earn $15 per hour working at a local nonprofit agency. 博彩网址大全 students can gain valuable experience while making a difference.
Current Community Service FWS Positions
Community Service Federal Work-Study (FWS) jobs available for the 2024-25 academic year are listed below by site. Each site has a short description of its mission. Click on the job listing for a preview, then follow the links to log in and apply via Handshake, 博彩网址大全's job database. All jobs listed pay $15 per hour.
Students must be FWS-eligible. In addition to securing a job, students must enroll in the program by sending a screenshot of their FWS Award Overview for '24-'25 to Bobby Wassel at
*Indicated a job does not require transportation.
Biome School
Tuition-free charter school for youth grades K-5, with an emphasis on STEAM learning.
City Garden Montessori School
博彩网址大全-sponsored charter school serving youth grades Pre-K thru 8th.
City of Webster Groves
Food Outreach
Food and grocery center for people living with HIV/AIDS or late-stage cancer.
Midtown Community Services
Community center that provides families and youth with a variety of social services.
Mission St. Louis
Providing youth and family services to low-income residents of St. Louis, with a particular focus on after-school enrichment.
- Beyond School assistant - Kairos Academy
- Beyond School assistant - St. Louis Language Immersion School
- Beyond School assistant - The Biome School
- Beyond School assistant - Lafayette Preparatory Academy
Montessori Lab School
North Side Middle School
Charter school near campus serving youth grades 6-8.
Smart Kids STL
1:1 after-school tutoring program for under-served youth grades K-12.
Urban Harvest STL
Nonprofit that works to eliminate food deserts through community gardening, environmental sustainability and education.
* Indicates that transportation is not required.
Create Your Own Community Service FWS Experience
Students who already volunteer as youth tutors at a school or nonprofit organization in the St. Louis region can use their experience to earn FWS funds, if they have them. This can include students who are volunteering as part of a clinical, practicum, internship or other field experience, as long as it involves tutoring youth or family literacy. If your site is open to enrolling in the program, and you are FWS-eligible, please complete this form to start the process.
Before completing the form, communicate with your site to explain the program, and have a screenshot of your 2024-2025 Award Overview from Banner listing your FWS award and amount.